Recommend a dj program please


Limp Gawd
Nov 12, 2004
Hey all, I'm a dj at at club, they have a computer, but I'm thinking of buying a laptop so I don't have to put every song I buy or dl into the house computer so the other dj's can use them for free.(because they don't buy music}

My question is: Anyone have any experience with dj programs? I've looked at a few, mostly PCDJ, but I wanted to see if anyone has recommendations. Good and bad points, ease of use, etc. I would like a feature to create and save song lists, too.

We have musicmatch right now, but if there is something better. Thanks, all! :D
One of the DJs I knew in high school used to use Virtual Turntables by Carrot Innovations but that was a good 3-4 years ago, I imagine it'd still work and he seemed to like but you could also allow multiple instances of foobar and use that as with certain plugins you can change the tempo without altering the pitch and other interesting things (though I'm sure there are winamp plugins that do the same).

what genres of music are you "spinning" by the way?

Thanks for the info, Perrupa, I'll check that out. I don't "spin" per say, it's a topless club, so I'm more like a radio dj. We play everything except really hard metal and hard rap. :D