Real Alternative Problem in Vista


Apr 24, 2006
I'm having a problem playing Real Media videos using Real Alternative Lite and Media Player Classic in Vista Business 32-bit. When I open the video it plays fine. But when I maximize the MPC window, use full screen, or just even try to resize the window Vista changes my color scheme to Vista Basic and will only revert back after I close the MPC window. It's not exactly a crippling problem but moreso just annoying as I can't use the regular "X" at the top right corner to close the window.

Anyone else having the same or similar problems? Any ideas for a fix? I'm currently using Real Alternative Lite 1.75 (1.52 and 1.60 had the same problems) and the latest version of the Combined Community Codec Pack. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! :)
You should the "Home Cinema" edition of Media Player Classic. It's compiled to work a bit better with Vista - more accurately it works with the Aero interface better which tends to be somewhat picky when applications want to run fullscreen. A media player application will need to address some of Aero's requirements for fullscreen playback since in the process of going fullscreen it has to ask Aero to basically "step aside, I need the whole screen for a bit." Aero doesn't like that very much, and even less in players that don't play well with others, aka the non-"Home Cinema" edition of Media Player Classic.

You can find the Home Cinema edition of MPC and more info at:
Thanks for the suggestion! :)

I checked it out by first installing the Home Cinema MPC, but then ultimately decided to get rid of CCCP altogether and I ended up installing the Vista Codec Pack as well. No dice - the same thing still happens. :( Although the situation is a little better since I can now see the "X" at the top right corner of the screen to close out the window. :) Again, this only happens with Real Media files so it's not entirely a loss.

I guess until future improvements/fixes are available I can deal with this. Again, thanks for your help! And it looks like the Vista Codec Pack may be a keeper as well. :D