Randomly losing internet connetion


Jan 31, 2004
For the last couple days I have been plagued with random internet loss. Not a single thing was changed on the network or router before the problem. Everything has been working fine up until 2 days ago.

There doesnt seem to be any type of pattern what so ever, sometime it lasts hours without losing connection, other times it drops out after 5 mins. Usually the connection is down for only a few seconds, but long enough for me to get booted off everything. However, other times the connection is down for longer, anywhere from 2-3 mins to an hour.

I am on a wireless broadband using a static IP connected through my router. The internet connection is lost simultaneously over all devices on the network for the same amount of time. This was confirmed running and comparing continual pings to google.com over multiple devices simultaneously.

The ISP tells me that they do not see any sign of connection issues with the wireless radio. They insist there is nothing wrong on their end or with their hardware and that it is something with my hardware.

Here is what I have done:

1) Power cycled router and wireless antenna
2) Limited devices on network to 2 computers to router over ethernet
3) Reset to default settings on router, and reset the static IP connection
3) Replaced router with completely different model/brand
4) Bypassed router and connected antenna directly to PC and connected via static IP

The fact that I still have the connection problem even when the antenna is directly connected to my PC, worries me.

Ping tests to the DNS time out as I lose connection to the internet as well. Starting to get agrevated by this as my ISP is proving to be no help at all at this point.

Any help or ideas is greatly appreciated!
Maybe a neighbor has a wireless phone or something that is interfering with the wireless signal. I get drop outs on occasion too, but it is rare and not frequent.
Thanks for the idea, but theres no way it can be that. The closest house to ours is about 300 yards away.
It's obviously your ISP. They will always point the finger at your hardware. Have them replace whatever device they provide you with.
tell the ISP to look at the modem history. See if there's any drop ever..

They should be able to look back about a week on signal strength.

If all looks good there, how many devices are connected. What router are you using?
Thanks for the help guys. I bugged the shit out my ISP yesterday, and today they called and said they addressed some interferance problems they noticed with the tower I was connecting to.

So far everyhing seems great. Thanks again for the help!