random restarts a gpu problem??


Jan 18, 2005
my computer is stable though prime for hours and so are my psu voltages. In intense games sometimes(frequently recently) the game shuts down and sometimes my computer restarts, is this a sign of gpu overheating?? Can reapplying thermal paste be a solution???
make sure the fan on the GPU hestsinks works... reapplying thermal paste won't hurt for sure... also you could try running your comp with the side panel off and underclocking the vid card.
or general system overheating... all that heat put off by the video card raises the case temps and can therefore increase the temp of your other components, including the CPU and power supply.
i don't know about psu but i monitor cpu temps using pc probe and running prime for about an hour. No errors, goes up to 45 degrees maximum, nf4 chipset gets about that hot, 43-45 degrees and gpu is the only other component besides psu that I can not monitor temp of. I will run 3d mark 2003 looping to see if its really gpu...