Random files not showing up in Open dailog


Dec 25, 2004
Hey, I'm trying to install MS's Virtual CD mounting utility in XP x64 but I've run into a problem. I have to put a file in windows/system32/drivers, and that works fine. But then when I use the program to browse for the file and use it, it doesn't show up. I tried looking at all file types, and only about 7 of the 30+ files in that folder show up, even though the visible files share the same extensions as the invisible files. I tried several other applications too, and was surprised to find that a number of files that showed up in Windows Explorer would not appear in the browse menu found in programs like Open Office writer. None of them are hidden and all of them are in the Windows folder.
I can only think that this is some new idiotic ploy of MS to keep me from fooling with my OS. Is there any way to disable it?