Radio Shack fires by email

That article hit slash dot too....some of the comments are gems.
Aelfgeft said:

Hope nobody here is working at one. I thought the pink slips were bad. What a bunch of chicken shits. I hope a couple get shot up by disgruntled employees. :mad:

Being fired sucks. Being fired by email must suck more. Neither are a reason to go shooting up a store, and kill innocent people (do you think the remaining employees or managers are responsible? No, they aren't. People with attitudes like your's end up in jail)
Fint said:
Being fired sucks. Being fired by email must suck more. Neither are a reason to go shooting up a store, and kill innocent people (do you think the remaining employees or managers are responsible? No, they aren't. People with attitudes like your's end up in jail)

Did I say people? No, I was referring to the stores. I never said I wanted anyone dead. Hyperbole is the key. :rolleyes:
Aelfgeft said:
Did I say people? No, I was referring to the stores. I never said I wanted anyone dead. Hyperbole is the key. :rolleyes:
yeah think he took that a little out of context and went off on a tangent there :p
-(Xyphox)- said:
post them!
Here ya go
Slashdot post said:
"Common decency" ... hmm, maybe exists in some 50s romantic B-movie comedies, but alas, welcome to the real world pal. That stuff never existed. Read your histories of work and industry through the ages. Watch a few Monty Python sketches if that's too boring (something about working in coal mines and getting up at 5am and being grateful for it: Victorian decency didn't have a problem with sending 5 year olds down mines and up chimneys after all). That's why unions got going in the first place, to actually give the little guys some real power rather than having individuals just sitting at home feeling shocked after layoff at the wake up call that they weren't actually working for a paternalistic social enterprise.

If you don't like the word 'union' then pick another, but you need some sort of collective ability to organise and respond when the big guys put the pressure on. They screw around with your workmates, you all stop work and threaten to take the company down if they don't start behaving better. Drastic, sure, but the USA is *proud* of its free market hire em and fire em attitude, you aren't going to get some middle manager to change their way by asking them to remember the unwritten rules of Lord's cricket ground and the British Raj. They are watching over their shoulder as well...
Laid-off workers got one to three weeks pay for each year of service, up to 16 weeks for hourly employees and 36 weeks for those with base bay of at least $90,000, the company said.
At least they were getting compensated.