Radeon 6970 and 11.1a


Dec 16, 2010
I've been having the worst time with video cards lately. I initially bought a 580 and kept getting BSOD's -> spontaneous reboot, so I traded it for my 6970 in hopes that the video card was causing the issues.

I got everything installed last night and threw on 11.1a from ATI's site. I was surprised to find that my 3Dmark11 score jumped 200 points past my 580... Not sure what that was all about, but I'm not going to complain. It's possible that if the 580 was having conflicts that it wasn't performing to the best of it's abilities.

I haven't spent enough time with the card to see if it fixed my crashing issues or not, but here's hoping. Either way, I have been very impressed by the performance of the card. I was broken hearted to have to take the 580 back, as I was all about the raw power/epeen thing. However, the in-game and benchmarking performance of this card has taken most of that sting away. The fact that the money I got back from the much more expensive 580 went towards a Creative X-Fi TI sound card was just more icing on the cake. If ATI can resolve this month long headache of mine, then they'll have a new customer for a loooooong time.
lol i was expecting this thread to be another person bitching about AMD/ATI drivers. good to see it was the opposite. kind of an odd problem to have with that gtx 580, probably was a psu issue or just a bad card. glad everything is working for ya now.