Racist Game What a Stupid Move

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i mean...seriolusly?!

way to go human race! you never cease to amaze me!

This game was in the spotlight a couple years ago, it's pretty much old news by now.
Yeah this was a big thing quite a while ago. Still i can't believe someone would make a video game based on racism. The video game world has been going down for a while now :rolleyes:
I know it's not allowed, but...every single person here should pirate this game, and then not play it. According to the RIAA and MPAA, the people who made the game will then lose that much money. They will be bankrupt, it'll be awesome!
finalgt said:
I know it's not allowed, but...every single person here should pirate this game, and then not play it. According to the RIAA and MPAA, the people who made the game will then lose that much money. They will be bankrupt, it'll be awesome!
Good ideas lets all dl p2p programs and load our computers up with spyware YAY :rolleyes:
Remember, you don't have to play it. Just download it to a 486 DX you have stashed in the closet, then throw it back into the closet. :D

I hate to say it, but I am painfully curious about this thing. I guess I will have to "suffer" not playing it, otherwise risk supporting the asshats. Sadly, I have a feeling this sort of thing is going to blow up very shortly. Everyone who loves it, and everyone who HATES it are still going to be throwing money away on this stuff.
Well while I don't support censoring speech in general I do support mercelessly making fun of the assclowns who came up with this shit. Without seeing the item (and I won't) if it incites or legitemately encourages people to do something (and not GTA kind of good old fashioned random mayhem but really puts forth an agenda of ethnic cleansing) I don't see why legal action shouldn't be taken.
I actually downloaded ths game a few years ago just to see what it was all about. As you can imagine how dumb the people who created this game are, well the game is actually much dumber if you can believe it. 8 year old kids on NG that get turd of the week design better games.
they want to kill me.. that sucks.. i don't know what culture i'm destroying.. cause i think i'm as American as any other white American.. i can just speak spanish.. das all... and like other music in addition to " American" music

it's old, but i've never heard of this.. i'm quiet offended by it.. i'm not the type to play the race card at all.. as a matter of fact.. i never have.. but this is just sad... makes me feel sad really...
I wouldn't worry about it dude, there've always been people looking to blame their problems on people other than themselves. Natural selection weeds 'em out in due time.
This is pretty old news; I remember hearing about it when I was still in high school a year back. Didn't have much faith in society then and nothing has changed now.
I dont agree with them but why are you people so upset ? Heck look at all the games we play that are racist where americans are killing japs, germans and soviets.
heatsinker said:
This is pretty old news
Well a couple people have said that. I didn't see it mentioned here when I looked......and it appears others didn't know about it either..............
Shane said:
I dont agree with them but why are you people so upset ? Heck look at all the games we play that are racist where americans are killing japs, germans and soviets.

The game has black people making screeching monkey noises, the graphics and game physics are worse than Wolfenstien 3D. It's just stupid all around.
the sad thing is...media attention is the LAST thing this game needs.

ethnic cleansing was released years ago, but noone paid any attention to it, so it was swept under the rug

now some stupid journalist brings it right out into the spotlight for everyone to know about it

way to go
Reading the description I have a feeling that it would be even worse than Postal 2, I quit playing that pile not because it offended me, because it sucked.
peacetilence said:
The game has black people making screeching monkey noises, the graphics and game physics are worse than Wolfenstien 3D. It's just stupid all around.

I dare say it's more than the technical quality here that's "stupid all around". :)

OTOH, I'm not suprised. Every other group has already made a game (or several), so the only suprising thing is how long it took them.
They should make a 'white hate' game where you play a black man who has to kill as many whites as possible.

Then watch all us 'crackers' utterly not give a shit and probably buy and play it as well if it were actually a fun game.

Seriously, who gives a shit about racism anymore!? So fucking early 90's...
Kevin003 said:
Good ideas lets all dl p2p programs and load our computers up with spyware YAY :rolleyes:

Newsgroups for the win.

.....People still pirate crap with p2p?
t3mp said:
Newsgroups for the win.

.....People still pirate crap with p2p?

I've been told that there's several useful OSS p2p clients, and that enough of them will run in linux / BSD.
What's the difference between this and other games that are already out that are also intentionally developed as battles between races?
Sly said:
What's the difference between this and other games that are already out that are also intentionally developed as battles between races?

Which races? Orc's and humans?
Folks, remember, it's a GAME. Remember the outcry over Postal?

Wanna talk racial division, how about the Age of Empires series? Hell, how about Warcraft and Starcraft? How about Diablo? Leave those poor little porcupines ALONE!


They're games, folks. Entertainment. There is racism and sexism and just plain stupid bullshit in every entertainment genre. This had less than 15 seconds of fame, and it will fizzle out like a bad fart.

Now, as mentioned earlier, I'm off to kill some krauts and slopes! In other words, I'm going to go play BF1942 ;)
Spectre said:
Which races? Orc's and humans?

Human races. Germans vs Americans, Russians vs Americans, Chinese vs Americans, etc. All of them showing the opposition in less than ideal light, close to the point of exaggerating actually.
Sly said:
Human races. Germans vs Americans, Russians vs Americans, Chinese vs Americans, etc. All of them showing the opposition in less than ideal light, close to the point of exaggerating actually.

Ok well how many of those are rooted in either fantasy (humans/orcs) or in a historical setting? Also none of those are "races" as being used by the makers of the top-ic at hand those are nationalities with conflicts driven by national expansion, resource allocation, market domination, and governemntal ideology. Not kill them because they are black, jewish or whatever.
Spectre said:
Ok well how many of those are rooted in either fantasy (humans/orcs) or in a historical setting? Also none of those are "races" as being used by the makers of the top-ic at hand those are nationalities with conflicts driven by national expansion, resource allocation, market domination, and governemntal ideology. Not kill them because they are black, jewish or whatever.

More to the point, many games let (or make) you play as both sides.

And aren't most real life conflicts started for those same reasons?
WW2 didn't start because Hitler disliked jews.
Just wow, I can't fathom this. The ignorance of certain people. Were they dropped on their heads as children? Did their parents not love them enough? I would seriously like to meet one and try to have a discussion. I have a feeling I would get too pissed.
Spectre said:
Ok well how many of those are rooted in either fantasy (humans/orcs) or in a historical setting? Also none of those are "races" as being used by the makers of the top-ic at hand those are nationalities with conflicts driven by national expansion, resource allocation, market domination, and governemntal ideology. Not kill them because they are black, jewish or whatever.

IC, it's actually common for some form of racism in the background of games, but this is the first time it's actually become the central theme.
Sly said:
Human races. Germans vs Americans, Russians vs Americans, Chinese vs Americans, etc. All of them showing the opposition in less than ideal light, close to the point of exaggerating actually.

point 1. There is not now nor has there ever been a "race" of Americans
even when such ideas of finely divided races was popular

point 2. Race in general as it applies to Homo Sapiens is now largely debunked of any scientific validity, and is simply a remnant idea in the popular venacular to describe some variation of skin color, other environmental adaptations and cultural background

Race: An ethnic stock or division of humans. Naturalists and ethnographers have long divided humans into a variable number of distinct races. However, DNA and other genetic studies have revealed that that most genetic variation, about 94%, is within so-called racial groups while these racial groupings differ from one another only in about 6% of their genes. This means that there is greater genetic variation within racial groups than between them. The concept of race is a superficial and subjective one. All of humankind is a single species.

point 3 Any popularly recognized race will adapt to its environment given time and provided technological shields arent employed to forstall adaptaion, thus generation after generation would adapt the level of melatonin in the skin to the level of sun exposure, nearer the poles getting lighter to produce and supplement vitiman D production toward the equator getting darker to protect against sunlight damage.
i like sociolotron
its an MMOG and you can steal, rape and kill... even babies!!

linkage not appropriate for an all ages forum, if they want it they can google it - Ice Czar
finalgt said:
I know it's not allowed, but...every single person here should pirate this game, and then not play it. According to the RIAA and MPAA, the people who made the game will then lose that much money. They will be bankrupt, it'll be awesome!

That would only hurt them if everyone here intended to BUY a copy anyway, which it seems, they don't. I seriously doubt they intended to make any money with this POS anyway, and P2P'ing / pirating it would only help them to spread their message.

FlatLine84 said:
Just wow, I can't fathom this. The ignorance of certain people. Were they dropped on their heads as children? Did their parents not love them enough? I would seriously like to meet one and try to have a discussion. I have a feeling I would get too pissed.

Sadly, I think most of them learn if from their parents. I've seen several TV shows about KKK families and skinhead families, from little kids all the way up to grandparents, they all parrot the same hateful platitudes. If that what your taught, that's what you know.

ugh you know we should make a mod of the game where we can spawn as their enemy and team kill them,. oh godmode woot.. you like that you white asshats eat that
Ice Czar said:
point 1. There is not now nor has there ever been a "race" of Americans
even when such ideas of finely divided races was popular

point 2. Race in general as it applies to Homo Sapiens is now largely debunked of any scientific validity, and is simply a remnant idea in the popular venacular to describe some variation of skin color, other environmental adaptations and cultural background

Let me quote Merriam-Webster:
Main Entry: 3race
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, generation, from Old Italian razza
2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b : a class or kind of people unified by community of interests, habits, or characteristics <the English race>
3 c : a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type

So. I'll agree that speaking about an american race sounds a bit strange, but it's 1) defendable and 2) doesn't negate the possibility of racism for and/or against americans. It's perfectly possible to make a game where you are american and everyone else are shown as being worth less, and it's equally possible to make a game in which americans are shown the same way.

Also, "race" will continue to be a useful alias for something like 3c above. It's not like the concept has become useless (e.g. "Studies show that your race influences the likelyhood of getting a tourist VISA", "Your race determines your health".). It's a bit imprecise, so dropping it might perhaps improve the quality of headlines across the world. :)

(I'll agree that it has little biological background, but if you see "race" as "bunch of people that look and act kind of like each other" it has its place.)
well there are several dictionaries
I agree 3c is a useful definition

but when you apply 2a to a country as large as the US problems aise

2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b : a class or kind of people unified by community of interests, habits, or characteristics

one as a country we dont belong to the same stock
we have rarely had a unified community, interests or even charcteristics
at least that where truely on a national and ethnic level
with mass media that has grown closer and closer but using race as a descriptor of Americans I think is about as valid as trying to apply the same to Europe as a whole, the Britsh Commonwealth, NATO, Warsaw pact, G7 ect.

Canada :p

2b talks of a class or kind of people, yet there is no truely representative class or kind outside of sterotypes in media, and they are largely exclusive of other highly divergent yet equally valid groups in america

think even employing that definition its a stretch to employ "American Race"
which is why they used a more homogenized example, a considerable time has passed since the Celts, Picts, Britians, Romans, Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Normans, and likely assorted ancestors of yours (not that some already listed couldnt be in the group) where distinct races\cultures in England ;)

and even now new immigrants throughout Europe are invaildating the idea of country as a basis of Race
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