Quiet Gigabit Switch


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2004
I'm currently running an 8 port Micronet gigabit switch, and while I am seeing a benefit from the increased speeds, the noice level is irritating. (It is the single loudest componant I am running thanks to its fan).

I'm looking to replace it with another 8 port gigabit switch, and I'm wondering if anybody knows of some good silent options.

Jumbo frame support is not a concern since my router (an old BEFSR41) wouldn't be able to deal with them resulting in massive fragmentation.

Does anyone have some suggestions?
It's pretty expensive, but this Netgear unit fits the bill. I have one, and it works great.
Thanks for the suggestion, I just recieved it today and it's great, I was suprised how small it is compared to my old one. And it's so quiet! :D
my Gateway 8 port gigabit switch i got off ebay is totaly silent :) and works awesome!