Quick question before i do a clean install again?


Mar 28, 2007
Okay, I finally went ahead and over clocked my amd 64 3500 cpu from 2.20 to 2.75... i was gonna go more but then i thought why push it. Now i wanna wipe out my os and start from scratch. but i have a choice to go with now either vista 32 bit or vista 64 bit. Which should i go with? i will be mainly gaming on my pc so before i get things set the way i want to and then find out i should have gone with the other vista then the one i choose i wanna ask first what anyones thoughts are? thanks
If it's very demanding games, such as Oblivion, I'd stay with XP, because there is about a 5 percent or so drop in performance in Vista according to various reviews. That said, I personally don't game on very demanding games, I do CS:S, Titan Quest, stuff like that, and I am moving to Vista x64 tomorrow, I'm hearing great things about 64 on this forum, and I've had XP 64, had no problems and while it seemed exactly like 32 bit (which is not a bad thing), I did notice a bit of an FPS improvement (2 frames or so).

So if I were you, I'd go 64 unless you have some type of old hardware that might now have drivers for Vista x64