quick question about vista


Limp Gawd
Oct 31, 2006
I'm building a new pc and want to put vista on it.

I plan on getting an ultimate version of it. I'm deciding to buy oem or retail. Oem is perfered of course because of the cost .

My only question though is that i'm not buying the video card at this time, i'm waiting for the new ati high end cards to be released. If I instal the oem version and upgrade the video card will I encounter any problems ?
If I instal the oem version and upgrade the video card will I encounter any problems ?

No. I have swapped out my video card three times on this same OEM HP 32bit install so far and have had no problems at all.
Can I ask why your choosing Ultimate? I'm curious as to what "features" that Home Premium or Business may lack that you feel you need in Ultimate.
Can I ask why your choosing Ultimate? I'm curious as to what "features" that Home Premium or Business may lack that you feel you need in Ultimate.

none really at this moment. I got ultimate for $170 . It was only $40 more than home premium and I figured at some point i would make use of the features