Quick Question about Tech Tour Server 2003 x64 bundle.


Jun 22, 2005
Anyone know how many, if any, licenses this has?

I've heard 0, and I've heard 25.

I'd like to have a correct answer though...I had planned on using it for my dual Opteron server later on, but I found out that I can do what I want with VMWare version of 32 bit Server(of which I have dozens of legit copies) while running XP x64 on the host system if I were so inclined.

So now that I don't need it...it'll likely go on ebay...but I'd like to know what I have before I mislead anyone.
Marduk said:
Anyone know how many, if any, licenses this has?

I've heard 0, and I've heard 25.

I'd like to have a correct answer though...I had planned on using it for my dual Opteron server later on, but I found out that I can do what I want with VMWare version of 32 bit Server(of which I have dozens of legit copies) while running XP x64 on the host system if I were so inclined.

So now that I don't need it...it'll likely go on ebay...but I'd like to know what I have before I mislead anyone.

My package does not say anything about "not for resale"

the problem is. Win2k3 adv server they gave doesnt come with any client licenses. So forget selling it for 2k+
They average 500-700 for W2k3 ADV off ebay.
I figured around that....actually, less than that.

But, it's an expendable asset...so...might as well put it to use.