Quick question about cable modems


Dec 16, 2003
Can a crappy cable modem make my internet connect slow? I'm asking this because I see a bunch of companies make their own modems and the advertisements say that their modems are great and such. I am currently using the modem that my service provider gave me.

My provider upgraded the network without regard to older modems.
Made my connection painfully slow about 80% of the time.

New surfboard 5100, no problems.

Short answer, yes, long answer, maybe, it depends.
Well, my problem right now is that about once a day my internet dies and I check the modem and I see that I have no connection whatsoever. Then I restart the modem and this usually fixes the problem. Does this mean that I should buy myself a better modem?

ST|FFY said:
Well, my problem right now is that about once a day my internet dies and I check the modem and I see that I have no connection whatsoever. Then I restart the modem and this usually fixes the problem. Does this mean that I should buy myself a better modem?
Definitely sounds like a cable modem issue, but you won't necessarily have to buy your own. Call the cable company and ask if you can exchange your modem for a newer/better one. They might make you go through a bunch of troubleshooting bullshit to make sure that the modem is actually at fault, but you should be able to get a new one. We had an old toshiba modem that worked fine for several years, but then at one point it started dropping the connection all the time. We just took the modem up to the time warner store and exchanged it for a newer one. There's nothing wrong with buying your own, though, if you'd rather not pay to rent one from the cable co.
Yea I did call my cable company and 2 hours of bullshit tech support later, they said that they will send a guy over to my place on tuesday to do more stuff. Oh well, at least they gave me one month's charge for free cuz of all of my troubles :)
