Quick Mandrake Linux/Totem question


Jun 17, 2002
I am a complete Linux n00b trying to get to grips with Mandrake 9.2. I've done pretty well in that I've managed to get everything working on my Toshiba Satellite Pro 4600 laptop (including my awkward office net routing - yay) apart from the Totem media player. Not bad considering that up until now I had literally never used Linux, although some of it was a bit more by luck than design.

Anyway, my question:- I've downloaded the codec packages from here, but I can't figure out where to put them or how to register them with the player so that it will understand WMV files. I tried copying the packages to the plugins directory under /.gnome2 and also to /usr/libs/win32, as suggested by some Google results, but I still can't play WMVs.

A n00b walkthrough from some kind Linux guru would be very much appreciated :)


Binary codecs for MPlayer
See the codec status table for the complete, daily generated list of supported codecs.
Instructions for installing and using the codecs can be found in our codec documentation.