Questions about Map Point and a Garmin GPS Locator


Nov 11, 2001
Hey guys,

I've been running into some issues [I think] with my Map Point / Garmin GPS Locator combo. One of the things I run into is the fact that for some reason it takes a really long time for MP to change from Initializing to tracking data. It's set correctly on the GPS to be NMEA... but I mean I could travel for 10 minutes easy and it still wouldn't change, regardless of how many satellites it has picked up... is there something wrong with this?

I've also run into this problem about 3 times on my trip up to North Jersey, where MP will say that it's not getting any data from the GPS, and on the GPS it is saying that I need to turn off and re-init... why would this keep happening? Very bad when you're trying to find your way and you have nothing but problems lol.

Hopefully you guys know a bit more about this than I do.
