Question about macbook(pro). Why just one button?


Limp Gawd
Jan 20, 2005
I know apple uses one button, or that they are built for one button. I would like to know if there are any switchers here and if they could share their experiences with me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can right click by tapping the track pad with two fingers. Otherwise you'll need to ctrl+click to simulate a right click.
synergyo1 said:
You can right click by tapping the track pad with two fingers. Otherwise you'll need to ctrl+click to simulate a right click.
yes this two finger right click is something that i have learned to love. But remember you have to enable this in the preferences.
I was successfully able to saw the button on my MBP in half.

Unfortunately it left me with 2 buttons that do the same thing. :(
aphex187 said:
I was successfully able to saw the button on my MBP in half.

Unfortunately it left me with 2 buttons that do the same thing. :(
WHAT! dare you desecrate the holy grail that is the MBP. You shall be shunned. I say god day sir.....good day.
synergyo1 said:
You can right click by tapping the track pad with two fingers. Otherwise you'll need to ctrl+click to simulate a right click.

ugh god I hate trackpad tapping.

i'd rather use the control key.
KaosDG said:
ugh god I hate trackpad tapping.

i'd rather use the control key.
Ya, dido, im not a fan of trackpad taping, i turn that off on every laptop i use....i bump it too often.
Octave said:
Ya, dido, im not a fan of trackpad taping, i turn that off on every laptop i use....i bump it too often.

You don't actually tap the trackpad like you do PCs, you just need two fingers touching it then you click the trackpad's button. So it is not tapping, it functions just like the scrolling option with two fingers except you have to click the button for the right click to work (so it does not disable scrolling.)

When I forget to have my mx1000 on hand I use it often, I myself hate tapping but the two finger + click is not tapping. Might want to give it a try, I find that I like it better then ctrl.

Unshra said:
You don't actually tap the trackpad like you do PCs, you just need two fingers touching it then you click the trackpad's button. So it is not tapping, it functions just like the scrolling option with two fingers except you have to click the button for the right click to work (so it does not disable scrolling.)

When I forget to have my mx1000 on hand I use it often, I myself hate tapping but the two finger + click is not tapping. Might want to give it a try, I find that I like it better then ctrl.



That is awesome.

learn something new everyday
Unshra said:
You don't actually tap the trackpad like you do PCs, you just need two fingers touching it then you click the trackpad's button. So it is not tapping, it functions just like the scrolling option with two fingers except you have to click the button for the right click to work (so it does not disable scrolling.)

When I forget to have my mx1000 on hand I use it often, I myself hate tapping but the two finger + click is not tapping. Might want to give it a try, I find that I like it better then ctrl.


Wow I did not know of this function :) Awesome. It works!
I never did understand why Apple has stuck with 1 mouse button when two are so much more practical, always figured it was stubborness. Oh well, I can't stand using a trackpad, or trackball, or (god forbid) that awful laptop clit thing IBM came up with, I always just toss a mouse in the bag.
KaosDG said:
wow i was sk00led by a n00b :D
What can I say, I just do not post that often on the boards. Glad I could be of help to someone it is a nice feature imho.

As well I am with /null (NulloModo) I always to try carry a mouse with me as I am not a fan of touch pads. However I will say that little numb pointer is something I have gotten very use to on my Dell Notebooks and use them over the touch pad.

Im glad apple thought of a way to right click so those of us new to the mac world can adapt more easily. Now all I need to decide is whether or not to wait for leopard.
placeboFx said:
Im glad apple thought of a way to right click so those of us new to the mac world can adapt more easily. Now all I need to decide is whether or not to wait for leopard.
when is Leopard supposed to be coming out?
placeboFx said:
Im glad apple thought of a way to right click so those of us new to the mac world can adapt more easily. Now all I need to decide is whether or not to wait for leopard.

my opinion is why wait??? It's not like windows that it costs a small fortune to upgrade's only $129 or if you're a student ;) it's about half that cost ($69 I believe). Leopard will be sweet no doubt but Tiger is already 100xs more OS then windows will EVER be. :)
The right click feature and scroll features for the trackpad i use constantly, it works great, and it means I dont HAVE to carry a mouse around to work quickly/efficiently(sp?). the less I have to carry in my bag, the better. And it certainly helped my switch. (and OMG installing programs is so friggen easy, no having to screw with anything, drag and drop into Applications, run through the first time open setup (for some) and your done. Cant wait to see how this baby performs when i upgrade the ram.
I never minded the one button on Mac portables, because on every PC laptop I ever used I would accidently right click when I wanted to left click. Having one big button just simplifies it for me. Not to mention most of OS X is designed with a one-button mouse in mind.

On my Mac desktops though I usually replace the mice. Even the mighty mouse is a little too clumsy for gaming.
My understanding is that the single mouse button is there to keep software developers in check and make them obey Apple's UI guidelines.

Apple says that every Mac app (outside of games, of course) should have a way for the user to do something without having to use the right mouse button, such as a menubar option or an on-screen button. It makes sense when you look at some Windows apps: how many times have you seen a Windows app which had commands buried only in the right-click menu, or which were much harder to figure out without that menu? That's fine if you're a geek, but speaking as a former tech support rep I can say for a fact that many people don't even know there is such a thing as a right-click, let alone that they might have to use it.

Especially after the implementation of that two-finger right click function, the one-button trackpad can stay as far as I'm concerned. Developers stay honest and the laptop is easier to use on a lazy Sunday.
supergper said:
my opinion is why wait??? It's not like windows that it costs a small fortune to upgrade's only $129 or if you're a student ;) it's about half that cost ($69 I believe). Leopard will be sweet no doubt but Tiger is already 100xs more OS then windows will EVER be. :)

Windows vs OSX thing aside... the XP upgrade was only $100 and thats like every ~4 years as opposed to apple's $130 annually (student copies of XP pro full are $25 at school for me so still less than the Apple discount) so how is XP the expensive one? That being said, I prefer the annual flow of updates, I just dont know how one could view it as less expensive.
The two button trackpad isn't even an issue. I haven't even wanted to install windows on it. If you are thinking about buying a Mac for the first time I highly recommend it. I would like to say that you should:

1. Get 2 gigs of Ram
2. Get a second battery

They do get hot on the bottom.

But OS x is a great OS. It also runs ubuntu very well.... even emulated.