Question about e-mails going from Vista to 10


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2007
I'm in the process of backing everything up to wipe this system and install windows 10 on it.
It's a Vista system. He's still using the old Windows Mail program for his e-mails and he has a bunch of them that are important and need backed up. I exported them all to another drive on my network. My question is this, what program can I use in 10 to import them too? It's been so long since I've used an offline email program that I don't even know where to begin. Is there an equivalent to the old Windows Mail? I was under the assumption that they phased that out.
Can I import them to Outlook?
He's not exactly technically inclined so I want it to be easy for him. That and he reloads all my ammo for next to nothing, don't need any random squibs because I pissed him off, lol.

Thanks in advance
I think Live Mail (or whatever it's called now) will import from the original Windows Mail backups? The Windows 10 built-in mail application should work as well. Note "should" not "will" -- I've dealt with these kinds of issues in the past. It's rarely as simple as it should be. Good luck.
Depending on how the mail client was set up, all of the email still may be on the email server (if it's not deleted upon download). If that's true you wouldn't need to import anything. Check the webmail version of the email and see if everything is still there.

The built in Mail client works really well. You may have to tweak the account setting that adjust synch frequency settings though to get it to work the way your used to.
It's a small local ISP so there is no IMAP server, just pop3. So his emails were deleted from the server as he received them.
Also, the built in Mail client in 10 is pretty much garbage. No options to import anything at all so it just would not work. He had a slew of emails dealing with a loved one in a nursing home that he absolutely could not lose.
Windows Live Mail was the solution I needed. Everything imported nicely and he was ecstatic with the results. So thanks Silent...