Question about DSL


Jul 4, 2006

I have been considering changing my ISP from cable to DSL due to inconsistent download speeds, as you can see from the pic below I have a terrible connection. Dose anyone know what I can expect from a DSL connection = real time download speeds not theoretical speeds ?


That is not so bad...

Keep in mind they advertise kilobits per second. Most programs download in kilobytes or megabytes per second. 8 bits in a byte. With my COMCAST cable, I am lucky to get to around 500-600 kbytes/sec...

You also have to keep in mind that the other end also has to be able to transmit at the rate you download... they can limit your speed by being slower...
your downloading at 1.1 MB/s thats pretty good, you likely won't get faster with a different carrier.
1.1MB (BYTES) is good for a home user.

Thats 8.8 Mbit, you are more than likley not going to see an improvement from another carrier.
I stand corrected, I was under the false impression that I should be getting 10 to 15 mb/s as advertised by my ISP. After dividing by 8 I see that my connection is right were it should be.

So I guess my only option is to upgrade to their 100 mb/s connection !
I stand corrected, I was under the false impression that I should be getting 10 to 15 mb/s as advertised by my ISP. After dividing by 8 I see that my connection is right were it should be.

So I guess my only option is to upgrade to their 100 mb/s connection !

They have one? Where are you located?
As indicated in the pic below they offer 100 Mb/s service, I will be calling them to get a price on the connection. I live just outside of Edmonton Alberta , Canada

Are they actually advertising a 100Mb connection or just giving a warning for the speed test?

cable uses a shared medium. The more users using cable Internet, the slower it will get.

Cable Broadband usually advertise their transmission rate as something like "up to 15mbps". That's the perfect scenario, you rarely get that transmission rate.
Do you think that´s slow?

Try dealing with this...

Mexico´s Basic DSL service.
WTF. Seriously dude, that is not slow at all.

Come back when you actually have something bad to complain about.
WTF. Seriously dude, that is not slow at all.

Come back when you actually have something bad to complain about.

I have already posted earlier that I was under the false impression that I was suppose to be getting 15 mb/s, since my initial post people have kindly informed me that I was suppose to take the 15 mb/s and divid that by 8 which proves that the speed that I am getting is in fact correct.

For those interested Shaw have informed me that for $115 / month I can have 100 mb/s !:D
I have already posted earlier that I was under the false impression that I was suppose to be getting 15 mb/s, since my initial post people have kindly informed me that I was suppose to take the 15 mb/s and divid that by 8 which proves that the speed that I am getting is in fact correct.

For those interested Shaw have informed me that for $115 / month I can have 100 mb/s !:D

Wow, that is insane. Pretty expensive though too.

and sorry I was pissy. People complaining about their interwebz when in reality they have a great connection gets to me a lot (probably because for years I was stuck with 512/128 service).