Question about city jumper

furthest i have gotten is lvl 19.
the damn lighthouse(or whatever it is) keeps catching my rear foot. WTF!
first off, i forgot this thread was on the 4th page... i couldnt find it. especially when i got to level 29.

the trick is you gotta time it so that the second he start, you hit the down arrow and the long jump arrow at the SAME TIME. literally the same time. He'll do a different hop right over the first cloud.

As if thats not enough, you have to do the same jump the SECOND you land again, over the next cloud. Finally you do two small jumps and youre over.

I think its stupid that people have to figure this out themselves, and they make no mention of it anywhere.

Play the fast version, thats linked on the title page of the game it seems easier to me.

Good luck