Quakecon 2005 announced! Whos going?


[H] Custodian
Jan 13, 2004
As mentioned on [H]ardocp, Quakecon 05 has been announced!

So, who here is going? I know I am :D Anyone from NC want to carpool?

EDIT: I can no longer go :( You guys that can go have some fun for me! :)
I'll be heading out. Looking into the cheapest way possible...thinking about road tripping it and sleeping in my Isuzu Rodeo.
Should be a good time had by all, then again, I might be a bit biased. ;)
Last years was great, and it looks like their using the gaylord hotel again. I've already started my packing list.

Things I messed up last year, did not bring monitor (flew airlines) ,
did not bring enough lan games, did not bring full system ( took shuttle ), did not drink enough bawls (bought 1 case and freand bought 1 but sold it day we left.)

This year were driving down to texas, gonna bring every game I can fit in the truck. Bringing full system with more than enough power, its got a amd 64, probley upgrade to 939 before going. Just need to save money, last year you could have bought the bfg 6800's at quakecon but needed 300 bucks, this year bring more than last years. Man I am so ready for Aug to get here. :D
I think i'll be busy at college, but I'll go if I can. Never been to on yet :/.

Sorta reminds me of NOPI btw, but for comps instead of cars.
Do they list games that will be played ahead of time, or is it mostly just people deciding what to play in a random fashion?
Well i will be in Iraq Still :p So not Me!

I have never been yet, And I dont think I will go until we can play Quake 4 their :) Cuz that game is gonna pwn
For people who have been - how loud is the BYOC area? I plan on bringing my Senn HD650 headphones, but they are open and let noise in..
Andrew_Carr, Bring all the idgames and everything you like or can carry.

saturnine2, No speakers are let in, so any head phones are ok.

\ :)

Edit update, yes I flew last year, lost a monitor that I bought (cheap 17" no big loss) and my freand flew on the same plane, he checked with them the size of his lian li pc 60 they said he could carry on then when we boarded they said he had to stow it in the bottom of the plane. That's why we are driving this year.
I was planning on PDX 5.05 but now that QuakeCon is on the same days...I dont know.
PDX was and will be awesome but I've never been to QuakeCon.:confused:

How is the leeching of the "good stuff" (wink wink). ;)

I would also have to fly as driving+gas = too much...(1,700miles vs 650miles I live in the SF Bay Area)
Boxing up my case wouldn't be much of an issue...
but bringing my 17" lcd as carry-on luggage might...

(there will be much posting on this great endeavor)
Worm: I take it your Worm from Quakecon forums?

Andrew_Carr: Anything and everything will be played. Official servers are set up for id games, but you can run your own for everything else.

kuyaglen: They killed windows file sharing on the network for security resons, but they will be running a Direct Connect server that you can get on with DC++ so really it's all good if not better.
seccond year here! Was great fun hanging out with mcseiam for a bit last year.

We should do a [H] meetup (other than the party)
I'd really like to go, but I don't really know the specifics of it. Webnet-site anyone? I'd have to- A.Build a new Rig(sig rig is home-rig), B. Get parents permission(I'm 16...) C. Get a carpool/group from Oklahoma together(I'm 16...) But I really really really want to go.
I might be attending with one of the staff members.. I havent decided, depends on Vacation time im willing to spend for the LAN. I have too many business meetings from this month to then ,
TekieB said:
how is it that everyone but me lives 10 min from grapevine? :(
Shit, I'm looking at a 19 hour ride form Jacksonville, FL. And the guy I'm riding with now is from North Carolina, so it sucks even more for him.
going for the 4 year, one of our clan mates got a nice job and gets to be an official sponsor this year once all that jazz is announced :D
I'll be there. Second year going. Should be a good one being the anniversary and all. :D
TekieB said:
so anyone wanna do a [H] meet (other than the workshop?)
I'm all for it. Already got a meet going for the forum whores @ the Quakecon site :D
redhalo said:
I'm all for it. Already got a meet going for the forum whores @ the Quakecon site :D

my postcount isn't high enough there :( but maybe we could talk to kyle or something and get an announcement (in the forums) to get more interest
Dammit! This sucks. My dad said he would have highly considered going there as our summer vacation if he hadn't promised my uncle we would go to Florida if we went anywhere.
i'm going. it's a fifteen minute drive for me to get there. i'm definitely up for an [H] Meet. Us North Texas locals should meet up to. have us a little ho-down :p
I'm going

Not sure how long of a drive it is from OK, but I've driven to Baltimore, 19 hours straight, so this should be a cakewalk
EnderW said:
I'm going

Not sure how long of a drive it is from OK, but I've driven to Baltimore, 19 hours straight, so this should be a cakewalk
'bout 4 hours from central OK
FiNaL_MeTHoD said:
'bout 4 hours from central OK
cool, I see you're from Oklahoma

I'm from Muskogee, a small town south of Tulsa

are you going?
EnderW said:
cool, I see you're from Oklahoma

I'm from Muskogee, a small town south of Tulsa

are you going?
I'm going to try my hardest to go, so long as I can get a room, I can go.
FiNaL_MeTHoD said:
I'm going to try my hardest to go, so long as I can get a room, I can go.
if my brother doesn't go, I might need a room mate
I may be in need of a roommate too. I'd rather stay with a [H] member than someone I dont know..
I just reserved a room, 2 queen beds, non smoker, view of the atrium :D
see you there, saturnine2 :cool:
wish i could go... but i did go to summer cpl last year. the gaylord resort is quite a sight and site :) . the drive from indianapolis was a little too much though. i think i am going to stay close to home and go to millionmanlan.

still wish i could go though =/