Qnix 27" questions


Mar 24, 2009
I built my new rig nearly a year ago (sig) and I have yet to jump to a new monitor, I have been using an HP 2207w for a long time and it wasnt great then, but now lighting and colors are going bad. I plan to get the 27" Qnix that a lot of people are talking about, my main questions are:
1) where to buy from? I was thinking of just getting the Pixel Perfect from NewEgg and a squaretrade warrenty.
2) DAE have experience using Square Trade? I never have.

A lesser question, anyone have experience pushing 1440p with the GB 770 4Gb? I am not really worried about it for now, just wondering if others were doing it as well, you know, gotta keep up with the Kool Kids :D.
buy from ebay sellers greensum, accessorieswhole, or dreamseller. most people were under the impression perfect pixel models were bullshit as you could still get dead/stuck pixels, just less of them. there are 'ultimate perfect pixel' monitors that have zero messed up pixels but they cost a lot more. no comment on squaretrade.

i play on my qnix with a 770 and i have zero issues even with 2 GB, save for the odd watch dogs or shadow of mordor. in the more demanding games you'll only get high 30s to mid 40s at 1440p. i was just playing borderlands tps and even at max settings with sweetfx ultra smaa + ultra physx i never dropped under 70 fps, although that's probably just because i didn't have any super chaotic encounters. i turned physx to medium and ao off and opted for nvidia performance preset ao to get closer to 120 average.
I am not sure if I could deal with dead pixels, how likely is it that you will get them? Why from eBay instead of NE?
I've heard elsewhere (such as on SD) that greensum is not a good seller, despite the 99.x% feedback rating.

I've only bought ST warranty for a no-name brand TV (light bedroom use) and never had to use it (the warranty, not the TV).
I am not sure if I could deal with dead pixels, how likely is it that you will get them? Why from eBay instead of NE?

no idea. it's a crapshoot.

people say it's better to buy with ebay because you have a more direct connection with the vendor you're buying from, which seems to imply more accountability on the seller's behalf.
I see, well crud...Need to read the fine print on NE for return policies I guess. I was hoping that they would accept the return if I had issues. 1440 will be the highest resolution I have used. The real question is how noticeable to they tend to be? Are there peoples out there who dont mind? Now I am getting nervous even though most all I have seen is that they are really dang good.