Q9450 "stock" VID too high?


Nov 1, 2007
I have a Q9450 on a GA-P35-DS3L and it is reporting a stock voltage of 1.2375 on auto settings. That seemed high, so I started undervolting and found the basement at 12 hours Prime95 stable (all four cores) at 0.99375 VID (0.960 Vcore idle, 0.944 Vcore load) at stock fsb and multiplier. I've had no stability problems gaming, ripping CD's, encoding DVD's etc. What are others seeing as "stock" VID? My stock temps dropped 10C, so I have no clue as to why the VID is set so high out-of-the-box.
Chips are almost always overvolted for stability. Intel doesn't want to run their chips at a bare minimum of stability, and it gives them some room to breath. Since these chips are so cool anyway, it really doesn't hurt to have that buffer. Also, what Intel and you consider stable may not be the same thing.
Good to know -- I saw the same thing 1.2375 on my Q9450 and Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS4
what kind of overclocks are you guys getting? did your q9450 at default vcore temp seem high to you? i had one for a few days last month and temps were higher than my q6700 at default vcore. and it wasnt much of an overclocker.
I haven't OC yet but there is a temp sensor issue. RealTemp 2.60 seems to work fine. I thought I had a hot cpu.
what are your guys temps? With a tuniq 120 i'm currently at 48C at idle.

cpu-z says vcore is 1.13 and core speed is 2004 MHz with a x6 multipler