Q6600 To power Hungry?


Jul 26, 2004
I am working on building a machine to take over for my old server (Gateway 6400 for those of you who got in on that deal 6 years ago). I use this thing with snapstream to record shows, file storage, NewsLeecher, Bit torrents, webserver, vpn endpoint. And want to add a few things to the new machine that can do more of todays activities (vmware machines for neighbors to remote into from their old machines, Media transcoding, Orb, etc) I was looking at the price drop of the Q6600 and its looking very nice exept for one thing. This machine is on ALL the time 24/7 and while it might be able to get into a lower powerstate while its not doing anything, Is this processor just too much for a machine that doesn't use it all the time. Is it worth the extra cost of it running idle a lot of the time? As you can see by my previous machine I dont' switch them out much and want something that is going to last atleast another 5 years, which is making this decision so much more difficult.
I think the Q6600 is a 105w max part when run at stock speeds. But I doubt you'd hit full usage too often so it should run under that. Depending on what cpu is in the system you have, you may draw as much or more power currently.

You can always wait and get a 45nm quad core as they should use less power due to the process shrink. And if your worried about energy usage, make sure to pick up a 80+ psu.
If you are planning to keep it for 5 years than I would reccomend Q6600;) .