PSU Question??


Jan 5, 2005
How do you determine what size PSU to get?

I will be running the following system

AMD 64 3200+
ASUS K8N-E Deluxe Motherboard
2 X 512MB Kingston Memory
Maxtor 160 GB Hard Drive
6600 GT Video Card(havent bought it yet)
Floppy drive
DVD RW drive
DVD drive
any decent name brand (antec, ocz,etc...) over 350 watts should do the trick.
if you overclocking, a good strong PSU is a must, People tend to forget a Good PSU one of the best upgrades...

I sugest a Antec 550watt... or 431watt...

There are some others (genric) that are really good too, like forton...

And the BEST you could, would be a PC Power and cooling
zach2004 said:
im still looking for one to get. any recommendations?

im personally a Antec fan, and one has never let me down, with both runniogn great stock and being abel to mod them for higher rails, and alos the noise, is quite when compared to other PSU of same specs

this one is a bit expensive, but it has 24pin mothebroard native on it, if you looking for one to keep for a wile thru upgrades, As most new mobos are going form the 20pin (current) to 24pin. It also has 2 12v rails totaling over 30a witch is good. It dose have overvolt protection, so if crazy high rail mods are in mind, this amy be a problem. But the protection limits probely cant even be reached before ethe PSU gives out, This is also a keeper for quite a few total system upgradesAntec 480watt NEOPOWER

Here the one i curently have, its a great PSU, stoick the RAILS were all in spec, and it beet running great for about a 16 mounths now.
Antec 550watt
theres also a native 24pins model of the 550watt..for abit more., but if your going to spend that much on either of the 550watt, i would just say spill the extra $$$ for the NEOPOWER

This is a cheaper, and the lowest model antes i would use if i were you...its the 380watt, it will hold up to your mobo with any CPU and any GPU you give it, but dual videocard might give it some problems...but you save a few bucks
ANTEC 380watt

Only outside brand iv used was forton, I liek there 500watt now it comes fully sleaved for like 80 bucks...
I really dont shop at frozencpu due to overpriceing, but they have the NEO power for 156$ with free sleaving, thats not bad, im sure they do a good job, and if you have ever tried to sleave a PSU Cables you wont think 30$ is much to pay someoent to do it. im sure they have done enought, that thell probel do a better job that you could, lol..

newegg is 126$ there 156$
thanks. im still looking for any other recommendations. what is the difference between sleeved and non sleeved?
zach2004 said:
thanks. im still looking for any other recommendations. what is the difference between sleeved and non sleeved?

Sleeved just adds the purty wire sleves to it. They look great, but server no other porpus. Buts is a Major pain in the ass to do. You need to remove all the molex plugs, and god forbid you try to do the mobo wire?

More sugections? Im assumming you want a cheaper supply right? The ones i listed were a bit pricy i know...there are some good cheap one to be had, expecially is you plan on runnign a stock sysytem. Sorry, around here its assummed you are overclocking, so i listed PSUs that would AID in that kinda of system use.

So, Price? How much MAX? Overclocking?
Zach for your system, I would get the 400w Fortron Blue Storm. I think even that is overkill for your system but it will give you some headroom.


bendit said:
Zach for your system, I would get the 400w Fortron Blue Storm. I think even that is overkill for your system but it will give you some headroom.



I was thinking Forton too.... there great for the price
ocz powerstream 420w or 520w. these are easily as good as the pcp&c (read any review of them), you can change the rails, it is whisper quiet (23db @ 60% load), and though the price is reassuringly expensive, it will by no means burn a hole in your pocket like the pcp&c will
hope this helped
freddiepm61 said:
ocz powerstream 420w or 520w. these are easily as good as the pcp&c (read any review of them), you can change the rails, it is whisper quiet (23db @ 60% load), and though the price is reassuringly expensive, it will by no means burn a hole in your pocket like the pcp&c will
hope this helped

Very true, i compleatly forgot about the new OCZ PSUs, i have not owned one yet, so i cant say for sure, but the reviews looked assome. I wanted one a wile abck, but im not upgradeing untill i need 24pin...are those 24pin? [/Runs to google]

I think if hes going to spend any good amount of dough he should have 24pin ative on the top of the list.
i looked at the OCZ PSUs, they looks great, the 420watt for 90 looks like a great deal, but the 520watt modstreme dosnt do it for me, with a price tag to match the Antec NEOPOWER 480watt, its lacking the dual 12v line, and has slightly less amps on the 3.3v. It dose have more to offer on the 5v line. The antec garentees 70% effecienty, OCZ is not listed... i dont know, IMO, i have used antec for years, they have allways meen great PSUs, bery moddabel, on all rails. As long as the price of the NEOPOWER and the 520 OCZ are in the same ballpark, the antec has my vote for ther years of quality.
I cant stress it enough one of the best PSU's on the market and an awesome price is the Fortron 530Watt PSU it has stable rails and awesome airflo
just look in that what psu to buy thread, that'll tell you everything, when it comes to PSU the more money you spend the better quality/performance you get.
Bi0s said:
I cant stress it enough one of the best PSU's on the market and an awesome price is the Fortron 530Watt PSU it has stable rails and awesome airflo

i dont know about say the NEOpower, either of the OCZ, and of coruse PCP&C are all better PSUs....

But for the price it aint bad.
I(illa Bee said:
i dont know about say the NEOpower, either of the OCZ, and of coruse PCP&C are all better PSUs....

But for the price it aint bad.

yah I'm going to have to agree, I dont know whats so special about fortron psu that you cant' stress enough. It's a good psu but there are better.