PSP winamp Remote control


Limp Gawd
Aug 17, 2004
I was bored last night, as usual. I was wondering how I could play music from my computer on my stereo that is in a different room of the house. Yes there are expensive devices out there that will allow you to do this, but I've thought of a very simple way to do this for free, as long as you have a spare computer laying around.

What you need:

* A computer that has a sound card, ethernet or wifi connection, and that atleast meets the system requirements for winamp and your favorite version of windows.
* A PSP that has 2.0 or later firmware ( you need the webbrowser fuctionality)
* A router/wireless access point
* A computer to host your files from
* A stereo system that has cable inputs ( you may need an adapter depending on the input)
* Winamp 2.13 (The browseamp plugin does not work with versions of winamp after 2.13, they are working to resolve this though)
* And of course, the Browseamp plugin for winamp

First, install windows on the computer you plan to have in the remote location and do all the basic things such as making sure you have network connectivity and hooking the stereo to the computer. (the computer you are hooking into the stereo). Make sure you add this computer to the same workgroup/domain as the computer the will be sharing the files.

Second, install winamp 2.13 and the latest version of browseamp onto the remote computer.

Third, share the music folders on the main computer that you wish to have accessible on the network, so that the remote computer will be able to access and play the files in it's winamp.

Fourth, configure browseamp by opening winamp on the remote computer and going under options>preferences>Plugins>General purpose and then double clicking on browseamp. Configuration is very simple, just set the location of your shared files as the "root folder" and make sure browseamp is running on the port of your choice, and you're pretty much all set, you can set any other options you want, but those 2 are the only important ones.

**Optional**, Install the "PocketPC" skin for browseamp, can be found on the browseamp website. (Makes the web interface much easier to use on the small PSP screen)

Fifth, fire up your PSP, go into the internet browser and type in the IP address of the remote computer that you just installed browseamp on. You should see a page that contains play/pause/stop/next/etc buttons, all the basic winamp controls. Try clicking on "Files" and browsing to the music you shared from your main computer.

Now you're pretty much done, your PSP should now be a wifi remote for your stereo.

I left out a lot of details in this because I assume most of you guys on Hardocp are technology literate, but if you have questions, feel free to ask.

Also, you shouldn't even need a keyboard/mouse/monitor on the remote computer after the initial installation, since you'll only be using it to run winamp, and your PSP will replace all those devices.

hmm. I like the idea. I used to have an ATI remote for the same purpose but it was a real hassle to deal with. I like the idea because of the PSP LCD.