PS3 at Fruper! $749.95

a deal site that sells products for $150 above retail? wow... I'm never ever buying anything there. At least woot is selling bulk/surplus goods. This place is just taking advantage of the pre-christmas consumer demand.
I was more or less posting availability. As stated in the post if you read past the title.

Did you even look at ebay before posting this? They are barely breaking $630, and very few go over $700 without games.
Check out the auctions for the 20GB version... bizarre.
I saw in a 20 gb in stock at a local walmart, i was tempted to do the ebay resell.

Thank god i passed on that.

Looks like the wii is the money maker this year.
i don't know if this is unusual or not but id check your local walmart too if you want a PS3.. i walked in and saw like 10 of them (and then just laughed at them collecting dust..)
Haha, today Fruper's deal was a Wii for $380 ($130 above retail). They're sold out now though.