Promise Raid Controller On MB


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
I have a Promise raid controller on my Gigabyte 8IHXP motherboard and when I boot up my system it goes to the mbfasttrack screen detecting my drives. This process usually takes around 5+ seconds. When i had first installed this mobo i somehow disabled that screen, or the whole detecting process all together, and it made my system boot up A LOT faster. Does anyone know how to disable that screen? Thanks a lot. If more info is needed please tell me and i will provide.
There should be a setting in the bios or possibly a jumper on the MB to disable the onboard RAID controller. Once you do that the system should stop looking for any devices attached to it on boot up.
yea but i have 2 drives connected to the raid controller. I'm trying to just disable the screen that says "scanning ide harddrive" then shows my array configuration on my Promise raid. i know it can be done cause i had never seen that screen till i reset my bios. Thanks
Are the two drives connected in a RAID configuation or are you running them both as normal IDE drives on the controller?
I have a total of 5 promise controllers (2 on motherboards, 1 is actually on a gigabyte board), and I've never heard of being able to turn that off.

Maybe it wasn't there originally, and a BIOS flash added it but my 7VXRP has always had it.