Proliant ML330 G3 Rear Case FAN substitute


Limp Gawd
Dec 12, 2007
I have an old ML330 G3 that I am using as a pFsense FW. The rear fan is not that impressive and is making some noise. I would like to change it out for a Noctua or something.

Problem is, it is a 5 pin header on the MB, but 4 wires to the fan. These Fans are expensive to boot.

Does anybody have an idea about how to replace it with something else?
Look at the specs on the fan (diameter and voltage) and simply get a quieter replacement.

It's likely a PWM fan, which you can find pinouts for with a quick search online. If the connector on new fan is different, simply cut/solder to the old connector.
Look at the specs on the fan (diameter and voltage) and simply get a quieter replacement.

It's likely a PWM fan, which you can find pinouts for with a quick search online. If the connector on new fan is different, simply cut/solder to the old connector.

Did all that before posting, didn't work. There's something bout the pinout that they are goofing with.

They've screwed around wit the CPU fan as well.
Look for the motherboard manual. It'll likely have the fan header pinout.
I'm not sure if you tried this, as you didn't really say what you have or have not attempted

Off topic: I saw your other post on the HP website, could you silence the fan warning in the bios?

On the CPU Fan, I sourced another 3 pin fan and tried cutting/soldering in the connector. and it would not work. So I ended up ordering another Fan from China for my second CPU.

The rear fan is working presently, I'd just like to replace it with something better and Mo quiet like a Noctua. The connector for the REAR fan is a 5 pin connector.
I am 99.999923423% sure pin 2 needs to be wired up. Without the signal from it, the BIOS assume the fan is not there.
I am 99.999923423% sure pin 2 needs to be wired up. Without the signal from it, the BIOS assume the fan is not there.

One of the problems is they change positions and colors of the PINs.

So on the cpu fan. There is a 3 wire fan that is red-black-yellow. This goes to a connector with RED-Yellow-Black-Black

The 2 Blacks are spliced together.

I get a 3 wire fan and solder RED-RED Yellow-Yellow Black-Black/Black.

I thought that would work.

Nope, system complained FAN failure, even though fan was spinning.

That was the CPU fan, I have addressed that by ordering an identical CPU fan via slow boat from China

I still have the 92mm or so rear fan I would like to replace that has a 5 pin connector to a 4 pin FAN.

I really don't want to buy an expensive Noctua fan and carve it up and not be able to get it to work. This is also my PFsense BOX, so it can't be down for long periods of time.

I had pin 2 wired up.