Programs still in Task Manager after I quit them?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 6, 2002
When ever I go to my list of processes, I see programs taking up memory - even though they aren't running.

Examples are Word, Internet Explorer and MATLAB. Even with no IE windows up, it still shows up in the processes taking about 50mb of ram, same with Word and MATLAB.

Any ideas as to whats going on? Virus check has come clean and its not like my system is unstable when those phantom processes are running, but sometimes, hours after I close a program, I'll still see its "residue".
Download Autoruns and see what is loading when your system boots.
I often end up with winword.exe running, acrobat as well.
Cant speak for Matlab as I dont have it and dont use IE either.

I just tested word again by opening it + closing and it remains an active process.
Maybe because you have it happen with a few more things, you have become sensitive to it.
Looks like normal operation.
Acrobat, haha, biggest fucking assholes ever. Acrobat_cleanup001... WHY? After I close Acrobat and no longer need the PDF open, why the hell are you taking 50 megs to clean up... nothing?

The reason why they are still lingering around is cause the software developers are... well.. assholes. Winword... sorry... even though I use Windows... still an asshole move.
I use Process Tamer, which lets you set rules to instantly kill certain exe's when they appear.
Handy app... It lowers the CPU priority of background CPU hogs (like if you do graphics renders or video converting, and leave huge tasks running in the background) so that you can continue working on other things without being slowed down. Also lets you set rules to force the CPU priorities of whatever exe's you want when they appear. Example: you could set Acrobat_cleanup001.exe to "Force Kill" or "Force Low" and that would help.
I use Process Tamer, which lets you set rules to instantly kill certain exe's when they appear.
Handy app... It lowers the CPU priority of background CPU hogs (like if you do graphics renders or video converting, and leave huge tasks running in the background) so that you can continue working on other things without being slowed down. Also lets you set rules to force the CPU priorities of whatever exe's you want when they appear. Example: you could set Acrobat_cleanup001.exe to "Force Kill" or "Force Low" and that would help.

This looks to be an excellent tool.
I see that it can run in auto mode.
How does it behave when you play a game, does it reduce the games priority as well or does it detect full screen 3D apps?
word will be running IF you have outlook running as well (stays resident)
matlab stays resident for a finite period of time after you have quit it
word will be running IF you have outlook running as well (stays resident)
This is true, if you leave Word as the default e-mail editor. If you disable this option (recommended), Word won't stay open because of Outlook.