Program to strip out vocals from a song?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 6, 2007
Are there any programs out there that would strip out the vocals from a song or mp3 file? I have a few songs that I'd love to use some of the guitar riffs for sound effects and/or ringtones.
Not really. Some programs can soften frequencies in the vocal range, but it affects the quality of the music and the vocals are still there after it's done.
You can use mid-side coding to achieve this with varying degrees of success. See here.

Might help, or at least point you in the right direction. Been using Sound Forge since pre-v1 myself and had somewhat decent success with that specific methodology described. Most stereo mixes place the vocals center stage in the sound field, so it's fairly easy to use do some phase work and yank it out, along with some creative EQ'ing as needed.

Good luck...