Program for analyzing / generating Reports based on IIS Log's (IIS 6)

Da Fan Man

May 20, 2001
I'm running my website off IIS 6 and would like some software that will analyze and generate reports (preferably graphical reports) based off of IIS 6.0 Log files.

If it could be setup to do it automaticly that would be great, manual would be okay too though.

I played a little with webalyzer and couldn't seem to get it to work right.

Any suggestions would be much appriciated.

-Matt :cool:
Thanks I'll give that a shot later today, looks like it could work out quite well.

-Matt :cool:
Are you looking one for work or home use. If for work.

There is NONE better than Webtrends.

Of course i recommend that for work because work can afford such products ;)

For home there should be numerous log parsers that are free :)
Will be for home so expensive is probably out of the picture, Im checking out Sawmill right now which looks promissing. I gave up on AWstats was giving me nothing but problems

-Matt :cool:
i use proxy log analyzer here at work. works good enough but i'm looking to change.