problems setting up SBS2003 R2 SP1


Fisting is Too Mainstream for Me
Oct 18, 2004
I´m trying to set up a domain server, used to have a workgroup but that sucked, so it´s my first time installing SBS2003 R2 SP1 Premium, there wasn´t any problems during the Installation process, all the setting are at their default, so before the to do list, i installed the drivers, then follow the to do list, all is done except "configure remote access" and "add printers" then i went to the user pcs and try to ping the server, and it was good, after that i installed the ISA Server 2004, and now when i try to ping the server from the stations i get "request timed out", but i can ping the user stations from the server with no problems whatsoever (my server has 2 nics, one for internet access and the other to the network switch)

I haven´t still be able to configure the user PC stations, (can´t access the domain server) all the ISA Server configuration is default, so i dunno what is the problem, maybe disabling the firewall until i finish configuring all the PCs ?

haven´t install SP2 yet
why are you using ISA? do you have a hardware fireawll? i never use the ISA on SBS usually let the router/firewall handle it.
Did you run the Configure Email and Internet Connection Wizard on the SBS server after installing ISA 2004?

If not, rerun CEICW as it will setup the necessary rules for ISA to work correctly with SBS.
^ yeah that would do it.

i rather use a hardware firewall, how is ISA for small biz? worth it or just wasting time? that to you SJ?
^ yeah that would do it.

i rather use a hardware firewall, how is ISA for small biz? worth it or just wasting time? that to you SJ?

Our preference is to implement it for all of our clients and we have found it is far more configurable than most SMB hardware firewalls.

We can restrict internet access by AD user account or group. Although some hardware or open source systems have AD integration, they don't support filtering by AD groups. We can restrict internet access by AD user, AD group, time, protocol, URL, source address, destination address, or any combination thereof.

Unlike some hardware firewalls, ISA can be configured to log some activity, while ignoring others. If your willing to put the time into it, you can parse the log files and track internet usage by the same parameters that can be used to block access.

We've successfully shown clients how much internet radio impacts their internet access simply by performing queries on the log files. We've also shown clients how much time is wasted browsing non business websites and have been able to break it down by computer and/or user.

ISA is a great product as we've never not been able to fulfill requirements set forth by our customers or us, but as with anything else, to make the best use of it, you can't simply install it and forget it. You need to invest time into learning its capabilities.

The built in reports are a bit anemic for us, but we simply take the client log files and generate our own custom reports using SQL reporting services.

Hope this helps:)
interesting, do you have any links of any good setup/configuration articles?

i am waiting on memory for a 64bit server, maybe instead of messing with untangle i will setup isa on my test sbs 2008 server.
have always found ISA to be more problems than it is worth.
Even if using it you still need a hardware firewall between it and the internet.
never never connect your server directly to the internet. (I extend that to any windows computer)
have always found ISA to be more problems than it is worth.
Even if using it you still need a hardware firewall between it and the internet.
never never connect your server directly to the internet. (I extend that to any windows computer)

Your certainly entitled to your opinion, but in the years we have been deploying ISA as the internet facing firewall it has never been compromised and this includes SBS systems.

I'd be interested in discussing some of these so called "problems", but it should be done in a seperate thread.
why are you using ISA? do you have a hardware fireawll? i never use the ISA on SBS usually let the router/firewall handle it.

Well installing Linux is not an option, and yes i´m a newbie with the whole SBS thingy, and well since the PCs are gonna have internet access and i wanted some website restrictions so i thought it was a good idea to have

Did you run the Configure Email and Internet Connection Wizard on the SBS server after installing ISA 2004?

yes, it did run, i´m gonna try it again though to see if that fix the problem

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thanx for the site, i´m gonna look into it