Problem with trackpad on Sony VAIO running Vista


Dec 11, 2004
Hey guys, my girlfriend's got a Sony Vaio laptop and it's running Vista. She all of a sudden started to have a problem with the click buttons on the track pad (Synaptics). When you click either of the mouse buttons, it only creates a right click. I added the little deal to the taskbar that tells you where you're pointing and which button is being clicked and it tells me that when I left click (or right click) it is activating BOTH buttons. Though it doesn't do any of the left click actions, just brings up the right click context menu,

I've checked Control Panel>>Mouse and made sure that the left click button is tied to the appropriate action and everything seems to be set properly there. Also tried reinstalling the drivers for the trackpad.

I can't figure out for the life of me if there is some stupid simple setting I'm missing or if there is a hardware problem or what. Appreciate any help.
I'd try booting one of the later linux live cds. I've always used the Knoppix distros for this kind of stuff. If it does the same thing in linux then it's a safe bet that the hardware is flaky. If it works fine there then you know you have some driver or software weirdness going on in windows.