Problem wiewing Movies on Web Pages


Aug 6, 2000
Well, I never seen this before and of course I dont know what to do. I was looking at a website with videos and I clicked one to watch it and It always Prompts me to either Open or Save ....
I of course always pick Open. Right after I click Ok, To open it up, I get this box saying There is no Disk, And my Floppy disk drive light comes on, Im like WTF ? at this point, I click ok to that box and it comes back up like 5 more times. Im using the latest Firefox BTW....... :eek:

Anyone have a clue ????
what is the file extension? What site is it? Does this happen for all multimedia files, or is it just one site?
I don't have a clue why its trying to access your floppy..
~ever~ said:
its an Avi file....
any other info?
Have you duplicated this problem on another website?
If at all possible could you give a link to the site in question if it is an isoloated issue? I could see if I could replicate the issue..
Sorry for the repeated questions, but this problem needs some troubleshooting, which requires as much information as possible -.-
If all websites are doing it, you could try loading up Windows Media Player, click on Tools > Options, then click the File Types tab, and make sure "Windows video file (avi)" is checked. If it's greyed out, click it twice till it's checked and white.

You can try saving the video to your desktop, then try playing it there and see if it's your browser causing the problem or if it's WMP.
Well, Yes other sites are doing this. Not every single one but some.

The files will play fine if I save it and hen play it.

On the Windows Media Player, .avi is selected...
Carnival Forces said:
what browser?
you don't need a Quicktime Plugin do you? (careful it comes bundled w/ i-tunes now =\)

You can get it without iTunes, simply select the Win98/ME version - it's the same as the XP/2000 only no iTunes.