Problem while running in client bridge mode

DEF Hater

Limp Gawd
Aug 19, 2009
I am running a Linksys WRT310 with DD-WRT in client bridge mode. I have had no problems with it until today. I have four devices wired to the wrt310. 3 of the 4 have no connection issues but 1 of them will not connect to the internet. The pc that won't connect is running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. I am losing my mind trying to figure out the problem. Everything worked fine last night and now there is no internet on my main pc. I saw there was a critical windows update so I restored it to a previous point and that didn't help. I have rebooted the router multiple times, tried a static ip and switched the cable to multiple ports of the router. The problem must be with the Windows 7 machine but I don't know what it is.
I still haven't solved the issue. The computer will connect to the internet only if I connect to the router in my browser. Even then I have to keep connecting to the router to keep the connection active
The firmware of the bridge or router? It just is weird everything else in the house has no issues.