Printing certain rows in Excel


Jan 27, 2003
I'm working on a little basic inventory list, and need a way to print certain rows in Excel. For example: A1, A2, etc. have the different items, and in the B1, B2, etc. columns I want to enter "Yes" if more of that item is needed only. What I can't figure out is how to get it to print say just the colums that have a "Yes" in the B column, or maybe even a way to throw those rows with "Yes" into another worksheet and just print that if possible.

Google isn't giving me anything usefull and I'm a Excel flunky, anyone know how to do this?
Highlight (select) the cells you want to print.

File----> Print

In the bottom left corner of the print window are options to "Print What".

Click "Selection"

P.S. You can use the Ctrl button to select more than one cell that is not adjacent to another.
You can auto copy from one sheet to another by:

Select cell on page 1

Right Click--> Copy

Select cell on page 2 (Can be rearranged to any cell on the page)

Right Click--> Paste Special

Select "All"

Click "Paste Link"

Now any changes to the cell on page 1 will auto update on page 2