PowerColor X850 XT OEM or BFG 6800 Ultra


Limp Gawd
Oct 18, 2004
Hey guys. Im building a new rig and all, and I need to get a new vc. The 2 I am eye balling are the PowerColor X850 XT and BGF 6800 Ultra. Can you guys give me some of your opinions. Thank you.
What games?

For CS:Source/HL2 and far cry, the X850XT

It really depends on the games.

Im inclined to suggest the X850XT, because technically, that is the faster card.
well, you do know that teh x850xt is the faster card though.....but it's oem..depends on how much u are paying for the cards...
HL2, Far Cry, Doom 3, WOW, CoD w/ max settings, plus im looking ahead to like BF2 as well.
Sedriss said:
HL2, Far Cry, Doom 3, WOW, CoD w/ max settings, plus im looking ahead to like BF2 as well.

Uhh... god...

DO you play any games more then others?

Well, since most of those games are ATI Favourable (WoW is debatable) I would say ATI

it really depends, do you not mind OEM?

Me, I dont, unless theres a REALLY good games in there (like the HL2 vouchers you get in 9700Pro boxes) I dont mind OEM, here in canada, OEMs can be as much as $40 cheaper, depending on the hardware.
I'd go with the ATI. Unless you can afford an SLI 6800 setup, those are pretty nifty.
see....HL2 x850xt wins by margin, Farcry the 6800ultra has more features and loses by 2-5 fps and has hdr if u're interested, doom 3 no doubt the ultra is faster, WoW is one of those games that is " meant to be played" on nvidia cards but some people are having bugs with this game and nvidia cards...look around, call of duty is best ran on the 6800ultra because it is opengl, battlefield 2 I have no idea because it hasn't came out yet..but it is also one of those games made for nvidia but ati seems to be faster in the bf1942 series, but BF2 is a new engine so who knows.
Only reason to buy the 6800 is to add another for SLi later on, per the X850 is faster by +-10%. If you're going to be doing any 2D work ide go with the ATi card also, as ati has superior 2D quality in analog.
ATI is awesome but I don't knwo if the price is worth it. I still say get 6800 SLI setup. Sweetness!
aZn_plyR said:
see....HL2 x850xt wins by margin, Farcry the 6800ultra has more features and loses by 2-5 fps and has hdr if u're interested, .

ATI Also has HDR.

Also, yes WOW does seem to be better working on ATI.

The battlefield series tends to favour Nvidia.

If you wanna play with Alot of AA and AF, then ATI is your way to go, thy hve always been better in that field.
if you are getting the x850xt OEM for at like 450$ then by all means go ahead.

but then again i recommend a SLI mobo with a 6800U for now and add another 6800U l8
Yea, I found a Powercolor X850 XT for $459.00. Sooooo i was thinking man thats a good card for the price ya know? But I hear a lot of good things from 6800 Ultra. I do play games with AA and AF though. Man.... this is tough for me. Im building a new AMD 64 system.... so i need to pick a PCI-E card to go with. This wont be maybe for another month or so... but i wanted to get a idea of what to go for :confused:
The X850XT is faster with AA/AF in most all games except for a few... so my money is on the X850XT.
Am I still gonna get good performance with the X850XT in like Far Cry and what not? Also should i be worried about SM3 with the X850XT?
if u arent building the system for another month then might as well wait for ATIs r520 core
Sedriss said:
Am I still gonna get good performance with the X850XT in like Far Cry and what not? Also should i be worried about SM3 with the X850XT?

Without a doubt, yes. That X850XT is nice card and i can guarantee that you'll be pulling some oustanding framerates for sure at 16x12x32 as long as your CPU can feed it with enough juice. It may not be as fast as the X850XT PE, but i'd easily put it up against a 6800U with the X850XT winning most of the time.

As for SM3.0, it's not really an issue yet. SM2.0 has 98% of the graphical quality of SM3.0, and SM2.0 is something the X850XT supports. Also considering that SM3.0 has hardly taken off with devs these days, it's something i don't think you should worry about.

If you do truly care about SM3.0, i'd wait around for the R520 and its direvatives later this year!
swatX said:
if u arent building the system for another month then might as well wait for ATIs r520 core

It will be longer than that given ATi's track record of pulling paper launches out of their asses... :rolleyes:

I wouldn't even want to consider the time it takes for these things to get down to MSRP as well! :eek:
Yea.... cause im getting a decent check back from uncle sam and what not. So i figured blow it on a new rig. Id prolly be pulling better numbers than me current rig now (check profile). What I got lined up is a AMD 64 4000+, MSI K8N-Neo4 SLI board, 2x512 of Corsair PC 4000, Audigy 2 ZS, 80 gig wd sata, Aspire X-Navigator. I just need a good video card now. I wont have the money to go SLI right now, so its not a issue. Maybe later down the line but for right now I just need a kick butt video card. Only thing that worries me is, is that the X850 XT i found is OEM them. Thats weighing in on my choice of that or the BFG.
get the ultra, and then go sli soon.....
sli may suck (it does not), but put it this way.

you buy a 6800 ultra now.....you then get another in a years time cheaply, which effectively doubles your performance (as by that time, graphics will have moved on, and gpu will be the limiting factor, not cpu, which is the main reason why sli is 70% as opposed to 100% improvement)

Sedriss said:
Sorry, but I dont trust Sapphire as a brand.

These are scores with a $450 Sapphire X850xt OEM.

3DMark 05 - 7519

3DMark 03 - 16582

AM3 - 102443

freddiepm61 said:
get the ultra, and then go sli soon.....
sli may suck (it does not), but put it this way.

And yes SLI sucks. I know first hand, I have Front Page scores in 3DMark 03 and 05 on the ORB with my SLI rig.
And this with bba x850xtpe oem with stock hsf...which sli can't compete
centvalny said:
And this with bba x850xtpe oem with stock hsf...which sli can't compete

lmao....dumb.....that is 3dmark01 and that is a fx-55 at 3.4ghz....woohoo sli can't compete :rolleyes: throw sli'ed 6800ultra's on that thing and the same fx-55....yeah..
aZn_plyR said:
lmao....dumb.....that is 3dmark01 and that is a fx-55 at 3.4ghz....woohoo sli can't compete :rolleyes: throw sli'ed 6800ultra's on that thing and the same fx-55....yeah..

SLI is still a waste. a X850XT-PE (OR Ultra) with an FX-55 would be my choice, rather then dual 6800GTs, with an A642800+...
freddiepm61 said:
get the ultra, and then go sli soon.....
sli may suck (it does not), but put it this way.

you buy a 6800 ultra now.....you then get another in a years time cheaply, which effectively doubles your performance (as by that time, graphics will have moved on, and gpu will be the limiting factor, not cpu, which is the main reason why sli is 70% as opposed to 100% improvement)


Ya, by then your dual Ultras will be to slow, LOok at the Unreal 3 engine, even with dual Ultras, they get like 30FPS with medium settings in that engine. Not to mention Dx10 thats coming out in a year.

At the moment, SLI is stupid. Once a Dx10 compatible card comes out, that will support SLI (Or AMR) then it will be futureproof.
They actually ran it with ONE 6800Ultra IIRC, so if you roughly double it.. 50-60 Fps isn't bad..
Hate_Bot said:
SLI is still a waste. a X850XT-PE (OR Ultra) with an FX-55 would be my choice, rather then dual 6800GTs, with an A642800+...

actually..an fx-55 is a waste..no offense to you fx-55 owners...

i rather have dual 6800gt's and a winchester athlon 64 3200+ and only mildly overclock the 3200+ but they do overclock like mofo's anyways... and this will be the same if not cheaper than ONE fx-55 and a single x850xtpe or 6800ultra and will be ALOT faster too.
aZn_plyR said:
actually..an fx-55 is a waste..no offense to you fx-55 owners...

i rather have dual 6800gt's and a winchester athlon 64 3200+ and only mildly overclock the 3200+ but they do overclock like mofo's anyways... and this will be the same if not cheaper than ONE fx-55 and a single x850xtpe or 6800ultra and will be ALOT faster too.

Oh my... Well i was thinking about it.... but I dont think I have the money to go SLI right now. And later down the line, new cards will eventually be coming out in a year to replace these cards now. I need a good card until then. But i want a top of the line card to boot. Sooooooooooo I think im gonna go with the X850 XT :)
^^ Thats AGP

GOod choice, that card will serve you well. Personally, Im waiting to build a new computer untill the Venice A64s, and the R520s come out, but thats just moi...
erorr404 said:

That's a great price...but it's AGP....he's looking for PCI Express. Well I presume he is. otherwise he would'nt be looking at a X850 XT.

BTW ..you do know that the X850 has slower ram than the X800 XT PE?

PCI Express Core Speed: ATI Radeon X850 XT/520MHz
Memory/Effective Speed: 256MB GDDR3/1080MHz

AGP Core Speed: ATI Radeon X800 XT PE/520MHz
Memory/Effective Speed: 256MB GDDR3/1120MHz

If you go SLI with Nvidia don't forget you need a good Power Supply that's ATX 2.0 ....and I don't mean the cheapest 550W you can buy....you need to shell out at least $130 on something like a Enermax SLI PSU.
bboynitrous said:
My thoughts exactly. Just get a single 6800GT and end it all. Good price, good speed, good compatibility.

Exactly, for some reason people here think, that when I say that SLI isnt worth it, they obviously think I mean Nvidia in general isnt worth it,

In my opinion, either ATI Or Nvidia SLI (AMR) isn't worth it.
Sedriss said:
Sorry, but I dont trust Sapphire as a brand.

Why? Sapphire is one fo the most trustful ATI Brands, they are like the equivilent to EVGA for Nvidia.
Hate_Bot said:
Why? Sapphire is one fo the most trustful ATI Brands, they are like the equivilent to EVGA for Nvidia.

then why do they only have a 1 year warranty?

ATI = 3 years
BFG = Lifetime
MSI = 3 years
Asus = 3 years
Ive heard a lot of bad things about Sapphire. Thats why I wont go with them. Man, now you guys got me thinking again. I didnt know the XT has slower ram that the XT PE. I just thought it was overclocked a lil higher. Now the 6800 Ultra has wormed its way back into the picture. Im not sure what to do now :confused: