Post a screenshot of a design/application you are working on.


Jun 25, 2004
I figured this would be a neat thing to try. Many of the other boards have some kind of screen shot or image post, so why not this one. Here is something I am working on for my IT class.

Here are a few that I am working on or have worked on. Comments and criticism welcome. The first and last are not completely my own design, but I have done the implementation for all of them except the photo gallery, which is just a customization of Gallery2. The TRAILL site is quite obviously the oldest. It's due for a redesign; just a matter of finding the time!

By the way, it's always interesting seeing how other people have their web browsers set up.

For what it's worth, I very highly recommend StrokeIt. It's a general-purpose mouse gestures program for Windows. I can't function without it anymore. It also makes the button bar in Firefox redundant, saving me precious screen real estate. (The buttons you see in my screenshots at the bottom are from the Link Toolbar, which is only slightly less invaluable than StrokeIt. ;))
c0rrupt said:
I figured this would be a neat thing to try. Many of the other boards have some kind of screen shot or image post, so why not this one. Here is something I am working on for my IT class.

Is that a windows theme? It looks so...yummy...
Hey HorsePunchKid, in that first screenshot, what language did you write that in? The reason I ask is because I'm currently learning PHP and mySQL and I have an idea for something similar for my family. I'm just curious as to how easy it was to do if you did it in PHP.
This is a website for a cookie shop up in Pennsylvania, i get free cookies whenever i want now :p :D

the design is still being worked on, so it looks a little bit plain i guess
Paithar said:
Hey HorsePunchKid, in that first screenshot, what language did you write that in? The reason I ask is because I'm currently learning PHP and mySQL and I have an idea for something similar for my family. I'm just curious as to how easy it was to do if you did it in PHP.
All of those except the last one (Gallery2) I have written in ColdFusion (note the .cfm in the URL), largely because it's just what we happen to run around here. I haven't done enough serious, large-scale PHP recently enough to be able to tell you whether it would be a good idea to home-brew a large site with it (as opposed to using a templating engine like Smarty or just going with a packged CMS).

It was fairly easy to develop the site once we had decided on a design and a good understanding of what our maintenance goals were. That said, there is a lot going on behind the scenes when you hit that page: a witch's brew of HTML, CSS, ColdFusion, JavaScript, LDAP, SQL, custom tags, CFCs, file includes, Active Directory, authentication, and the like.

I would not expect someone building their first site to have to deal with all of these things, though. Your first time 'round, you just want to get your basic header / content / footer system going, then expand on it: parameterize the header and footer, modularize pieces of code that you find yourself reusing, and so on.
my current projects are rather boring, but this is an ongoing news/content management project that i've been working on. actually, as you can tell from the archive dates, i haven't worked on it in a while, but i'm still rather proud of it since it was my first real Perl application. unfortunately, as a result of it being my first Perl app, the code has gotten a bit unwieldly and i don't think i'll be doing much with it until i have time for a complete rewrite. it's so easy to pound out a program in Perl, but you really do have to be careful on how you write them. it works fine as is however, and currently powers this internal site: (there's some notes there about the mod_perl issues with the script, but regular cgi works fine)

and here's a directory navigation/upload script i've been working on:

there's actually alot of cool stuff on that little internal site. under the "alerts" link there a snort IDS interface that scans the logs for alerts and displays them, and pulls up the packet information upon request. i've kinda let that fall out of commission though, so i can't provide a screenshot. i dont even have snort installed anymore, i think it was a bit overkill for my little home network :p
*reads Fluxion's post*

Now that's the kind of stuff i need to learn...would make updating my site(s) so much easier...
=Vector= said:
*reads Fluxion's post*

Now that's the kind of stuff i need to learn...would make updating my site(s) so much easier...

there's quite a few freely available content management scripts out there with much better features if you don't wanna homebrew one, but it was a fun project and it has proved useful. hopefully i'll do something a little more robust in the future
I have not worked on this in a long time. But what I really liked about it was that the app was originally designed to do something else, but with a simple retooling of the interface(an I mean simple, less than an hour) I turned it into a great little app for me and my buddies to share our class notes.

Welcome to Notes! Notes is a database driven web based note taking application. It enables users to access their notes from any computer connected to the internet along with the ability to print and search through their notes. You can also share your notes with fellow students, it’s as easy as sending them the link. In this way of sharing notes you and fellow students can form an online study group.

(sorry, vBulletin does not like my png's)