Possible to Play Games w/o CD?


Nov 23, 2004
I was wondering if it is possible for games to install them to your computer in a way that won't require you to insert the disc everytime you want to boot up the game. Is there any way to just copy the contents to the computer to avoid this. Thanks, Rob
There are ways, but I don't think we're supposed to discuss them on this forum, as there is a connection to piracy.
I'm not looking for a way to pirate, I own the cds, I just find it annoying to have to always insert them into the computer to play. I was just wondering if there is an easier way.
Rip the disc to your hard drive and use a virtual drive like Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools.
I wonder if I can drill out an old case and a motherboard with mad IDE Raid expansion and make myself a CD tower and play over the network. Drives are cheap nowadays....hmmmm....sounds like a project!
google is your friend on this topic ... the [H]forums are not , for legal reasons
