Possible to Edit XP Theme?


Jun 27, 2002

I want to change the look of the Start Menu using the default XP theme. Is there any way to change this to a different pic instead of the words "Start"?

I tried using StyleBuilder but that doesn't work as I don't have the StyleBuilder files.

Is this possible?

Thanks for any help.
i should be able to open it in stylebuilder and edit the graphics for the start button....or you could hack exporer.exe i think with reshacker...then replace it using replacer....
I got it working. Thanks for the info.

I was searching around on sites and I just found a really cool new theme, the iTunes 2.0 theme.

Everything is really nice on this theme. However, one thing that I tried changing in this was the Start Menu icon. Right now, it is the Apple Logo. How can I change this to something else?

I tried searching in the shellstyle.dll. However, I can't seem to find the bitmap for the apple logo using ResHacker.

Any ideas?
Sort of like this?

Could you post a shot of the theme too (just curious)?
Is it this theme?
I got it all sorted out.

Had to edit the .msstyles file. Didn't know it was possble with ResHacker, but it is. Got it all working.

Here's a screenshot of how it looks like for those interested:

Thanks for all the help. Much appreciated.

nice work, i've done the same thing before, getting rid of an apple start button :D it's not that hard at all