Plug wireless router into work's network?


Sep 23, 2007
I'm pretty sure this will work fine, but seeing as how it's at work and I don't want to mess anything up I just wanted to double check. I have a spare WRT54GL running Tomato. I've reset the router and left everything at stock settings except for adding a wireless password. Can I take a network connection, plug it into port 1 on the router, then plug the PC into port 2 and have everything work correctly? There's also a hub connecting 2 pc's to the network that I could plug the router into if that would be better. This is just a furniture store, so the network is pretty basic, 1 Netgear switch in the back as far as I can tell. And yes, I have permission from the manager if that mattered to anyone. Thanks.
why do you want to do this?

and you need to turn off DHCP off on the router.
AT&T 3G sucks where i work lol. Also the manager has an iPod Touch and laptop she wants to use. I haven't decided if I will do it or not, but wanted to know if it would work fine.
Yes, it would work fine as a switch

disable DHCP, plug the network cable int the LAN port, NOT the internet port and off you go.