Playing at 1900x1200 on a 30" monitor?


Sep 22, 2008
I'm about to get a 30" monitor with a native res of 2560x1600 (LG W3000H-BN), but only have 1 4850 and it's not an Xfire mobo, so I can't add one, and no budget to upgrade everything.

The 4850 won't be able to run FC2, Dead Space at 2560x1600, so how will games look at 1900x1200 when it's not native resolution?
"Stretched" and more pixelated and jagged. Imagery won't be as sharp. Things will also look bigger and bloated.

BUT it's not as bad as it sounds. If you can afford a 30" though, surely you can grab something that will handle native res :rolleyes:
Actually, the next lowest resolution that will look not effed up on a 2560x1600 display is 1280x800. That way, 1 output pixel from the video card will take up 4 on screen pixels. Other resolutions will involve the division of non-whole on screen pixels that basically makes the monitor output look like poop from scaling.

Otherwise, you could use your gfx driver's scaling to maintain a blacked out rim around video, keeping your 1:1 resolution.