Permanent program files


Apr 15, 2007
Is there any way to install a program, so when you make a new user the program will already be there. Other than oem programs, any installed are gone.
The program should be available for everyone. Just make sure you put it in All Users Start menu, not your own.

Open your Start menu and right-click "All Programs" and select "Open All Users". Any shortcut you put in there will be available to all accounts on the computer.
Or when the program is installing, it asked you to install for just you, or everyone. Choose everyone
I have yet to see any program that dont have install for everyone selected by default.
The program should be available for everyone. Just make sure you put it in All Users Start menu, not your own.

Open your Start menu and right-click "All Programs" and select "Open All Users". Any shortcut you put in there will be available to all accounts on the computer.

Thanks, that worked.
I have yet to see any program that dont have install for everyone selected by default.
You must not install very much then. Most programs don't ask. A good majority of them put their shortcuts into the All Users folder by default without asking. Some, like CCleaner, don't both asking at all, so you end up having to move the shortcuts.
You must not install very much then. Most programs don't ask. A good majority of them put their shortcuts into the All Users folder by default without asking. Some, like CCleaner, don't both asking at all, so you end up having to move the shortcuts.

Huh? Did you read what i said? installing for all users and placing shortcuts for all users are 2 different things.
Huh? Did you read what i said?
I misread the second half, but I'll still stick to my statement that you haven't come across many software apps if you have yet to see one. I gave you an example of a very common one.