PeerGuardian 2 with Vista x64


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 15, 2007
I'm having trouble getting PeerGuardian 2 to work with Vista Ultimate x64. I download the beta, follow these instructions, yet it still says that it cannot load the digital driver. I already disabled integrity checks yet that doesn't seem to solve it.

Has anyone managed to get this program to work with a 64-bit version of Vista? Much appreciated.
It just does not work well. Even if you get it working by doing all sorts of tweaks and edits and special start up scripts it tends to crash all the time. I just gave up on it personally.
I tried this last month and was unsuccessful after hours of playing around with it. There are a few other options but I'm no networking guru. How can you even tell if your IP is being masked anyway?
Comb through their forums too, there's a boot loader that you can download too that will get it up and running. Worked for me. Although it's still fairly buggy and sometimes I don't get the icon in the taskbar when it's running so I have to kill the process and restart it until I do get the icon and can run the updates and whatnot. YMMV
ReadyDriver is the name of the boot loader program that will get PeerGuardian up and running on Vista64. I read that it works with Win7 64bit too.