Partition size for new win 8 install


Limp Gawd
Feb 5, 2013
Been out of the loop for awhile so I apologize for noob question. I have a 1TB drive that I will partition. What size would be the best size for a new win 8 install? I was going to put it at 250gb. Does that sound about right?
my windows folder on windows 8 64bit is 20 gb . i made a 34gb partition and still got 10 gb left over.
I just don't install video games on the C drive, tho saves go in the documents folder (why i left some extra space).

If you install games on the C drive, of course you'll need it above 100gb.
I put em on another partition than the system drive , so if i have to format the c , they'll still be there.
Since today most games are online activated , say like steam, if you got the files in place and reinstall steam in the same place you won't have to redownload em even if you gotta wipe the C.

Well maybe that is just me being overly cautious...
i think the more, the better

( if u need, you can manage you partition with partition wizard, i used it, free, :D
I would go Min-250GB. Remember that Windows keeps "duplicate" copies of your installations and installed conflicting SxS components.

If you don't install much you can probably get away with 128. But if you install stuff I would recommend 250.

I personally sit at 126 free of 279GB on 320 hard drive but I am more development heavy than say game heavy. Games probably require less to be mirrored for "safer" uninstallation.
Partitioning is so old school!

Unless you have a specific need in mind, which if you can't think of any --you don't, then just use the full drive.

One reason you may want to consider doing 2 partitions is to split data. I used to split my HDD so that my user data was in another partition to help cut down on fragmentation, I would then "target" my docs, music, video's etc to the second partition.