Partition or not?


May 16, 2006
My uncle has the same HDD as me (Seagate 320GB) and he insists i make a partition on it so that i can load all the exe and other data.. But isnt this the same as making a folder for those?? Or somehow parition can save from data corruption etc?? What is the benefit ??
It keeps the operating system away from workspace.
If anything goes wrong in the workspace, the OS should remain intact.

After a crash, waiting for windows to scan the whole disk is a bind, a smaller partition to scan makes for a happier experience.

Downloading/copying/deleting torrents etc will fragment the drive.
Windows does a good enough job of fragmenting itself without any help so its wise to keep it separate from data that gets fragmented frequently.

A virus or other type of attack on the Windows partition wont risk all your data.
I vote 2 hard drives, one for workspace another for os. Can also ghost the os hd onto the storage drive and instant restore of os drive.
I always recommend the people to make a single partition that takes up the whole drive.
Fragmentation shouldn't be a problem, as the windows files are already written to the HDD. Then WindowsXP has the so called Prefetch feature, which gathers startup data for a faster startup.

Then we have: Trojans, Viruses, Spyware, etc. Just watch what you're doing. If you don't know get a good virus scanner. I myself did never use any, and in five years i had zero problems with such things.