Page Fault Error during XP pro install


Limp Gawd
Jun 8, 2004
Sup guys, need help.

Last night my buddy got all his parts in for his new computer. Here's the specs:

Proc: Athlon FX-53
Mobo: Giga-byte GA-K8NSNXP-939
RAM: 1 GB Corsair XMS 4000 Pro
HDs: 2 x 36 GB Western Digital Raptors, 1 200GB Western Digital IDE HD.
Video: BFG 6800 Ultra OC (Still waiting on this one just like everyone else, damn pre-orders)
Sound: Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Case: Coolermaster Wavemaster

Anyways, we get the whole thing built and pretty and proceed with setting up the SATA RAID-0 and installing Windows XP Pro (brand new copy). Go thru installing the RAID drivers and formatting the RAID etc etc and then we move on to transferring files to the hard drive. Then at around 35% we get a blue screen with "Page Fault in Unpaged Area". We try 3 or 4 times and noticed that it happens anywhere from 4% to 93% but never ever completed. We try switching from the Silicon Image controller to the nVidia one, same results. I Googled the error this morning and most results say it's a RAM problem but I'm having a hard time believing that since it's fresh, brand new, right of the box Corsair XMS. Anyways, now I'm tired from being up till 2 AM and I'm bored at work so I figured I'd shoot this to you guys to see if you had any answers or suggestions to try out after work.

Thanks in advance.
Run memtest86, I've had bad memory from corsair. If the memory is ok then you may have to do what I did on my MSI raid board and install the OS on to a single drive then set up all the controllers and dirvers for all the hardware then ghost. Set the system back to raid then install the image.

Also run full diags on the drives.
Bumping this real quick to see if anyone else has any other clues before I get off work and start messing with this again
Got it working. Took out one of the RAM sticks and installed with just 1 512 and it went thru without a hitch. Much thanks Stu.
Yeah, unfortunatly in todays world I always suspect the memory first unless it's Registered ECC, and then I consider it second. ;)
Tricky said:
Got it working. Took out one of the RAM sticks and installed with just 1 512 and it went thru without a hitch. Much thanks Stu.
Anytime. Corsair is easy to deal with so opst on there forum and they will send you a number for RMA.