Packet Sniffing


Nov 16, 2007
Any suggestions for a good/free or cheap for monitoring my home network, specifically the leg with a teenager who like to do things he shouldn't?

I have the cable going to his room on a hub that is connected to the router/switch so I should be able to run a cable from my second Ethernet port there and see everything, right?
What exactly are you trying to find?

There's is plenty of sniffing software, some that can be used to find rogue DHCP servers on switch ports, to more basic ones just to log URLs.
Yep wireshark is nice. It will break down the components of known protocols too, making network troubleshooting easier. For example instead of showing the raw data of a DNS query it will break it down into it's DNS specific components.
If you just want to see what he's doing, there are better options than sniffing traffic. Looking at packets is going to be quite a pain in the ass. You could use something like this for filtering:

Or some type of keylogging software to send you screenshots and what not.
setup an old box and run Smoothwall or something similar on it and run it modem>smoothwall/or other firewall distro'd pc>switch>all computers

then you can monitor all the traffic from individual pc's on your network and control where individual pc's can and can't go on the evil internetz ..
Wireshark is good for analysis, but as a monitoring solution I'd say pretty useless. Much rather set up something like Snort and put up approriate rules (still overblown for home use, but good practise if you are interested in learning about IDS/IPS systems).

I would imagine Something like Untangle would the the right solution though. Pretty modular and easier to get running then Snort (snort gives out a lot of false positives and requires tuning of the rules in the beginning).
Thanks for the info:

In terms of what I want to find: Mostly what web sites he is looking at and what he is doing on those sites. My sister would likely freak if he is looking at X sites. I dont really care as long as he isnt interacting with the "models."

I'd like to be able to capture IM steams and email as well. What he tells his friends he is doing would be very informative about how much room and freedom he should be getting.

The key logger with screen shots might be nice.
untangle - clean interface and easy to use, but you do want a semi okay rig to run it,.
Any suggestions for a good/free or cheap for monitoring my home network, specifically the leg with a teenager who like to do things he shouldn't?

I have the cable going to his room on a hub that is connected to the router/switch so I should be able to run a cable from my second Ethernet port there and see everything, right?

The best one is absolutely free
Then there is Cain and Abel
Thank you, some good suggestions. When I get over this, throwing up sick thing, I will install them.

We hates viruses and wishes thems all dead-dead-dead.

I'd wish all bacterias dead but that might not work out so well.

Thanks again for the suggestions, oh and.... is my system not decent enough?

Not that I think this is a decent system to use, it is quick and easy..... Thats one thing I would like to see, beside some Open-GL benches between that top 5 or so cards from each credible vendor, we all use bench programs, Sandra, 3d mark, etc,

We stack them against each other but really, has anyone ever looked at them and compared them to each other? See what hardware they are biased for or against and which test results seem more "fair."

Anyhow; PC (5.8) Tablet(4.1)

Processor: 6.9 4.9
Memory (ram): 7.2 5.5
Graphics: 7.7 4.1
Game FX 7.7 4.4
HD: 5.8 5.2

Considering how old the tablet is those number make me happy.

Is the tablet enough?