P4P800 Deluxe Problem


Mar 17, 2004
I am a noob at this stuff but here goes. I keep getting Driver_irql_not_less_or_equal errors all the time, and now sometimes when I restart I get BAD_POOL_CALLER, I don't know what to do about it. Another problem I am having is that I took the motherboard out of the case to run memtest and it actually ran it no problem, but when i have it in the case it doesn't work. I called asus and they said the case was grounding out the motherboard so i bought a new case and psu because the psu has a dead connecter on it, Could the case/psu be the problem for my errors ? Thanks please help :)
well, this is kind of in the wrong forum, but if it is a grounding issue its probably the motherboard touching the case or the psu touching the case causing a short. Make sure u used the copper colored well I don't remember what they're called but screwy thingy's between the case and mobo. For max security their are plastic washers that sometimes come with the case. Try not booting the computer with the comp laying on its side with the side panel open.
Also make sure your power supply is screwed in properly and not shorting on your case. Not sure if grounding is actually the issue, but good luck!