P2P File Sharing Clients?

Michigan PC

Jun 29, 2005
<this is not nor have anything to do with copyright infringement>

As far as p2p goes, with fasttrack, gnutella and stuff... are there file sharing programs that only connect with others with the same program, unlike limewire and others that connect to all the gnutella stuff. Preferably with a smaller following also.
Not that I know of. Ares and Soulseek exist on their own networks, but since their protocols and clients are semi-documented, it is possible for anyone to write new clients for them.
discussion of clients is allowed ;)

of course anyone dumb enough to admit to pirating with such clients, now, in the past or in future will get a virtual wet fish upside the head :p

there is of course the search feature, as this isnt an uncommon question

as for only connecting to others of the same program (and just so happens to be an actually secured and truely anonymous P2P)